Characters: Book/Movie

Subject: Jarlaxle Baenre from Forgotten Realms Series.
Category: charbm.
Title: Jarlaxle!.
Opened: 29.06.2004.
Closed: 07.10.2007.
Webring: PCF.
Language: Polish and English.
fanlisting for Jarlaxle Baenre, captain of Bregan D'aerthe mercenaries from Menzoberranzan. The most unbelievable drow, excentric, moody, and yet quite lawful... Perfect persona!
Unfortunately, I got rejected by TFL. Too many opponents... In May 2008, I decided to close it. After reading Paths of Darkness, I was not interested in Jarlaxle anymore.
Wolf's Grin

Subject: Nighteyes from Farseer and Tawny Man trilogies.
Category: charbm.
Title: Wolf's Grin.
Opened: 21.12.2005.
Closed: 28.12.2007.
Webring: TFL.Org and PCF.
Language: Polish and English.
fanlisting for Nighteyes, a wolf from Farseer Trilogy and Tawny Man Trilogy, both by Robin Hobb.
Nighteyes was clever, quick-thinking, with common sense and cynical humour. Beloved wolf! This fanlisting was adopted out when I lost interest in Robin Hobb and her writing.